The Bible. It tells of the greatness of God, His Powerful Creation, His wrath, condemnation, and judgement. It speaks immeasurably about His goodness and lovingkindness in sending His Son, Jesus Christ to be the Savior of the World.
I have been pondering the power of this book and was finding it hard to put into words what my heart was telling me. In my pursuit of my goal to read more this year I stumbled upon this quote from Gladys Hunt in "Honey for a Child's Heart." She says, "Parents who never read the Bible outside of an organized meeting of the church are not likely to sense the urgency of intstructing children in the most important truth in the world. If we really believe that God speaks through this book, how can we possibly handle it so carelessly and leave the responsibility for its content to someone else."
This quote is jam packed with many convictions. Convictions of which I possess. Don't get me wrong. Do I always turn to this powerful, never-changing, unfallible book? No! Do I wish I always would!! YES!!! To that end I write this post:) I'm not perfect... isn't that what the Bible says!! But I do want to press on for the mark!! So I bring to you, my reading goals for this year!!
Last year, I cannot tell you of one book I read from cover to cover (except for the countless books I read to the boys:) I began to realize my need to finish what I start. And certainly my time in God's Word was shamefully lean!!
First of all, my pursuit to know more about God through His Word by reading it every day! Not only to read it every day, but to read it entirely by the end of 2010!! My first goal-Reading through the Bible in 2010:)
Second of all to expand my knowledge of God through other good books that will help me in my daily life as a wife and mother, as a children's worship time teacher, or as a woman who desires to not be satisfied with what I already know... being a life-long learner!! So I bring to you the Book List!
"The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis- all Six in the Series!!
"Humility" by C.J. Mahaney
"Idols of the Heart"- by Elyse Fitzpatrick
"Feminine Appeal" by Carolyn Mahaney
"Creation Evangelism for the New Millenium" by Ken Ham
"Let the Nations Be Glad" by John Piper
"Child Wise" By Ezzo and Buchnam
"A Mom After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George
"To Train Up a Child" by Michael and Debbi Pearl
"Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Paul Tripp
"Treasuring God in Our Traditions" by Noel Piper (Yes, Casey that is your book:)
"Bringing Up Boys" by James Dobson
What will you shape your thinking with in 2010? Happy Reading!
I love this! It truly shows your heart.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great list of books. I may "steal" a few off of your list!
Wow -- what a great quote that is!
ReplyDeleteI have read both the Childwise and Shepherding a Child's Heart books and they are excellent -- but they are the kind of books that I need to go back and re-read every so often in order to soak in and apply what they are saying.
Thanks for sharing your list!