Friday, October 9, 2009

Who am I?

I am soft.

I have light colored "skin" with hints of golden brown.

Children and Adults alike adore me.

Part of me boasts about antioxidants and healthy benefits.

I am by no means considered a health food.

I have swirls of dark brown on my insides.

I am covered on top with a white "hat"

Any Guesses??

I am almost sure you know who or what I am!

Just to make sure, write it down in the comment section!

I am a....


  1. I read this to Andy and he said coffee with whipped cream on top. I'm guessing this is not the correct answer, but I thought it was funny since Andy's first thought is always coffee!

  2. This had me stumped for awhile. My guess is a cinnamon roll.

  3. Cinnamon roll is a good guess, but antioxidants??? I'm stumped! {grin}
